Class Button

All Implemented Interfaces:
Container<HTMLElement,Button>, Finder<HTMLElement>, HasElement<HTMLElement,Button>, HasHTMLElement<HTMLElement,Button>, IsElement<HTMLElement>, TypedBuilder<HTMLElement,Button>, Component, WithIcon<HTMLElement,Button>, WithIconAndText<HTMLElement,Button>, WithProgress<HTMLElement,Button>, WithText<HTMLElement,Button>, Modifiers.Disabled<HTMLElement,Button>, Modifiers.Inline<HTMLElement,Button>, Modifiers.NoPadding<HTMLElement,Button>, Modifiers.Plain<HTMLElement,Button>, Modifiers.Secondary<HTMLElement,Button>

A button is a box area or text that communicates and triggers user actions when clicked or selected. Buttons can be used to communicate and immediately trigger actions a user can take in an application, like submitting a form, canceling a process, or creating a new object. Buttons can also be used to take a user to a new location, like another page inside a web application, or an external site such as help or documentation.
See Also: